Equipping Minds Tutor

Issues with working memory, attention, or processing impact learning. Equipping Minds is a program to strengthen visual and auditory skills. Using exercises and games, it strengthens cognitive flexibility.

Does your student have difficulty:

  • Remembering 2-3 step directions?
  • Staying on task to complete it?
  • Remembering math facts or steps to math problems?
  • Forgetting a word they’ve previously read?
  • Expressing themselves when speaking or writing?
  • Processing visual or auditory information?

Equipping Minds is a “unique and multi-disciplinary approach to increasing anyone’s capacity to learn.” (Dr. Carol Brown, Executive Director of Equipping Minds)

The most benefit happens when students use the program for 30 minutes five days a week. Parents should plan to participate in sessions to learn how to work with students on non-tutoring days. Students and parents work with a tutor, learning the activities. During the session, the tutor demonstrates for the parents how to carry out the activities at home. Each student begins at their level of ability. Then we move forward at their pace. They feel accomplished as they are gradually challenged as they are able to do more than they could before.

“It’s like a work-out for my brain.”

elementary student

Each time I use the program with students, I feel my brain getting a work-out too. Parents also notice it.

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What will your student need for Equipping Minds tutoring?

Equipping Minds tutor games like spot-it, set, blink, and a deck of cards.

Dr. Brown shares an introduction to the program in the following video.

pyramid showing the developmental aspects of the Equipping Minds program
On the Equipping Minds website, there is information about Primitive Reflex exercises and a Sound Therapy program.