Spelling Stories: Three, Thirteen, Thirty, and Third
Do your students misspell these words? Spelling three, thirteen, thirty, and third can be challenging with the /r/ sometimes being spelled with a single R and sometimes with IR. Download this word inquiry with practical review of these spellings. A print-and-go resource for home, classroom, or tutoring.
Your students will know the story on three, thirteen, thirty, and third. Why not threeteen and threety? Why not thiree?
The answer comes from the word’s history and a problem we all sometimes have: transposing letters in a spelling. Even scribes did it. They copied everything by hand before printing presses were invented and mistakes were made. Tell me your students won’t enjoy knowing that even professional text copiers sometimes made mistakes!
What’s included:
🏵structured word inquiry for three, thirteen, and thirty
🏵number to number word spelling
🏵3 check and correct the spelling sets of sentences for spaced review
🏵answer keys for all
🏵spelling dictation phrases for each of these words
Download this 7-page PDF resource. Tell your students the story. Make these spellings memorable.
Use it with Online students too.
I use these with my online students. Open the PDF. Scroll to the page you want to work on. Click on the left toolbar insert text. Insert a text box and let students type. For those who aren’t typing, they write on paper and show me their work.

Happy Spelling means Improved Reading too!
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