Student Question Snapshot: Elections


Student questions lead to LEARNING. Here’s a snapshot of the learning from a student’s question about the <t> in elections.



What word has made you say, “Hmm”? That’s how we start a tutoring session. What they’re curious about is our first task. Sometimes it’s quick and sometimes it’s more of a word study.

A student asked about elections, specifically about the <t> and <-ion>. We start with the meaning, always start with meaning, and move through morphology (word structure), phonology (the phonemes, sounds), and etymology (the history and origin of the word, elections).

I’ve jotted down the highlights of our conversation and learning together. Included is a ready-to-use matrix with word sums.

Before you print it, change your printer orientation to LANDSCAPE.

Happy Spelling! Let me know what you learn too about this elections word study.