
Showing 37–38 of 38 results

  • Sign Spelling & Meaning Connections cover image

    Sign: A Structured Word Inquiry


    Why is there a G in <sign>? Often students misspell sign and other words with that base spelling because they’re trying to spell by sounding out. That doesn’t work well for this.. Give them the tools to see the spelling and meaning connections. After working through the matrix and other activities in this resource, these words will become more familiar, increasing their reading fluency and spelling accuracy.

  • spell binoculars product cover image

    Binoculars: A Structured Word Inquiry

    Let’s investigate the spelling of binoculars. What does the spelling tell us about the meaning of this word?
    It includes pages to work through four questions that frame our study, matrices, and a place for word sums. Students can use the word sums to read the completed words when they’re done with this activity. They could also use them to create verbal or written sentences.

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